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Google Adwords Updates for March 2018


Top Voice Search Ranking Factors Analyzed

There are many factors that influence a sites ranking in voice search results. To figure out which factor is most important, Backlinko conducted an extensive analysis.

Here are the findings:

  1. Page speed is crucial. Most of the results were from fast loading pages.
  2. Domain authority is of absolute importance.
  3. Content that ranks well on the desktop also ranks well on voice search.
  4. Surprisingly, Schema is not that important factor as only 36% of sites that ranked well on voice search results were using schema.
  5. 41% of Voice search results came from featured snippets.
  6. HTTPS is an absolute must.

This research debunked the myth that Schema is of absolute importance. The research also made it clear that page speed is CRUCIAL. All the results that listed well on voice search were almost 2 times faster than traditional pages.

Google’s reliance on domains with high authority for providing voice search results comes from the tendency that they “may” provide higher accuracy as compared to domain’s with less authority. But it is possible that they will come up with a more sophisticated approach for the same in near future.

The research also shed some light on the importance of long-form content. People speak more words that they type, so it’s natural that pages that use comprehensive content will reign supreme in this area.

However, you don’t have to specifically optimize your site’s content for voice search, writing in-depth content will suffice.

On a side note, virtual assistants are on the rise. So the marketers who are willing to offer their clients the latest digital marketing technology should take these platform seriously.


Page Speed Will Officially Be a Google Ranking Factor Starting July 2018

“Time is the new currency. Our customers want to live their lives. Technology has changed their expectations, and we knew we needed to change our approach to service and marketing in order to meet those.”

—Brian Benstock, general manager and VP at Paragon Honda

It’s 2018 and if your web page takes more than 10 seconds to load, then you are far behind! Nobody likes to wait for minutes just for your page to load — they will simply hit the back button. According to a study, 53% of the users will abandon the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load! So it came as no surprise when Google announced that site speed will be a ranking factor in the mobile search results from July 2018.

However, Google assured that only a small percentage of the sites will be affected by it since the majority of the site loads faster than 10 seconds. Also, there will be exceptions to websites which provide relevant and high-quality content to users. Those websites can still rank well in the search engine result pages because the intent of the search query is still a strong factor.

If you are not sure about your site’s speed, you can use the Google’s “PageSpeed Tool”. This tool uses a standard 3G connection to replicate what most people are using to surf the web using mobile devices. It not only tells you about your site speed but also gives suggestions on how you can improve your website’s load time.

What About AMP? Google’s announcement stated that it “applies the same standard to all pages, regardless of the technology used to build the page”, which means AMP gets no special advantage except that by its very nature it will pass all of these speed standards with flying colors. However, that doesn’t mean that you get an automatic pass. If you’re using AMP you still need to be sure that everything is set up properly.

If you need any help with mobile optimization, we can assist. Just reach out to us and we will be able to assist you further.


Google Launches Beta Version of Brand New Search Console

Google has rolled out the beta version of the new and improved search console and SEO’s are more than happy, to say the least. The most promising new feature is the access to 16-month-old historical data. It enables year over year comparison which is great from every aspect. This allows metrics to be pulled and analyzed over a longer period of time with greater ease, something webmasters have been wanting to have available to them for quite some time now.

Google has built the new search console from scratch and not all features are available yet. They are still working on it, and they will keep on adding useful features from the old search console to the new one as it is continuously built out over the next few quarters. So, unfortunately, as of now, most of the tools you will click on will have a coming soon message.

However, you do have access to the performance tool which is easy to understand with filtering options like: By device, country, impressions, CTR and more.

The Index coverage report is the perfect blend of old index status & crawl reports errors. It enables you to see how well Google is indexing your site as well to identify and fix any issues.


The new search console will also help you validate newly fixed AMP URLs. The updated AMP status report will provide details into the specific Errors. This will allow you or your webmaster to solve the issues associated with your AMP pages faster and more efficiently.

As for now, the above-mentioned tools and features are the biggest highlights of the new search console. But it’ still in the beta mode and many tools and features are yet to come, so stay tuned. We will keep you updated on new features as and when they go live.



Google Is Testing Images In Search Ads

It seems like Google is testing a new feature, as some users have witnessed an image from the landing page, right next to the description area of the text ad.


Google spokesperson gave a generic statement regarding this — “We’re always testing new
ways to improve our experience for our advertisers and users, but don’t have anything specific
to announce right now.”

So they neither denied nor accepted it. Google has tested many imaged ad formats over the
years, and none made it to the mainstream. But we are seeing a lot of images right next to the
text ads lately, so this time, they might fully role out this feature.

Last years Google launched large format mobile ads exclusively for automotive makers. It
allowed the automotive company to entice the customers by showing the carousel of images
of car models. Because the looks of cars play an important role, this update was considered
useful for the car makers. Google might launch similar ad formats for other industries too, in
near future.

We will keep you posted.


Google Has Published Guidelines on Google Assistant and Google Voice Search

Recently, Google published their quality guidelines mainly for Google Assistant and Voice Search Results. As per the guidelines; the better the quality voice search equals a more appropriate generated response or list of responses.

Here’s what Google wrote —

“In the past we have received requests to see our evaluation guidelines from academics who are researching improvements in voice interactions, question answering, and voice-guided exploration. To facilitate their evaluations, we are publishing some of the first Google Assistant guidelines. It is our hope that making these guidelines public will help the research community build and evaluate their own systems.”

Google will be evaluating these dimensions for rating voice search responses.

  • Information Satisfaction: The content should not be irrelevant. It has to be similar to the requirements specified by the user.
  • Length: As far as the length is in question, the information should not be very little or too much. Unlike a web search, the users cannot scan the results and identify its usefulness, which is why it has to be sufficient enough to fulfill the user’s query.
  • Formulation: This simply means that the source (e.g. website), language, and of course the content produced should be grammatically sound and easy to understand by the user.
  • Elocution: Resources such as WaveNet and Tacotron 2 are rapidly simplifying the text-to-speech generation process thereby minimizing the need for human performance.

The full PDF of Google Voice Search Guidelines is available as a download here.

For more information on how people are using this new technology, check out this list by Adculture of 25 voice search statistics.

Google Quietly Updates Its Ranking Algorithm – The Maccabees Update

The Google Maccabees Update

December is when every business owner out there is busy getting the biggest pie from the
holiday cake. So it’s very rare that you see any buzz in SEO forums. But this time, we witnessed
something different. Many people were online, sharing their experiences. Just like an
unexpected tornado caught them off guard, and took away everything they had. Well maybe
it became way too more dramatic, but we would like to inform you that Google has made
changes to their core ranking algorithms. And as a result, many websites witnessed a drop in
traffic as massive as 35%!

Moz reported high volatility in search results through Mozcast as can be seen below



A nonseasonal site owner, who hardly witnesses any fluctuations witnessed a drop of 30%! However, they were not alone and this was not due to any glitch. Many other users started sharing their trauma on webmaster forums. After a thorough research, we found out that Google did make changes to their core ranking algorithms and later on they confirmed the same. The statement Google sent was “we released several minor improvements during this timeframe, part of our regular and routine efforts to improve relevancy.”

We decided to do some number crunching ourselves. Our dataset of 4000+ websites and 350,000+ keywords (local and national) makes it easy for us to get a birds-eye view of how our client campaigns are performing.Not surprisingly, we were happy to find that this update didn’t have any negative impact on our client campaigns. Most probably, the SEO deliverables which we offer saved our clients from this update. This is another example of how our strategies future-proof your business.

So if your organic leads were affected, especially around December 13th or 14th, open
Google Analytics and check whether your site was hit by the MACCABEEs update or not. If you were hit by this update OR want to make sure you’re not going to be a likely victim, we can help. Just connect with us and let our professional SEOs to do the work for you.




The holiday season has passed but PPC can still be a great tool for marketing your business online. Here are some tips to help you save money on your PPC Campaign. Some advice that will help you avoid making beginner SEO mistakes.

Neglecting your daily spend

Recently Google has allowed the advertisers to go over their daily spend budget. You can almost double the spending. Although they say that they will even the overspending over a 30 day period, it’s not recommended. Closely track the conversion level and spending and avoid exceeding the daily limit.

Using the same ad copy

PPC is all about experimenting. You will have to keep trying something new to get better results. Using the same ad copy, again and again, will make your ads monotonous and drastically reduce the click-through rate. Spend time in crafting engaging & original ad copies. Include numbers, geographies and other factors into the ad text.

Landing pages not reflecting offers

Matching query intent to content is an absolute must. If you notice that your bounce rate is way too high, it’s probably because your landing page is not in sync with the ad copy. Suppose you are offering a 40% discount on some products and that product is nowhere to be found on your landing page, then the visitor will feel betrayed and leave the site immediately.

Ignoring your Google merchant feed

If you are using product listings ads, make sure to push the latest feed with the most precise product attributes. The price, color, model and everything else should be pitch perfect.

Re-targeting carelessly

Re-targeting is considered one of the most profitable marketing practice. But overdoing it can do more harm then good because people are already bombarded with ads during the holidays season, and if you are not carefully crafting your re-targeting campaign then you are annoying them instead of convincing them.


Google Home Services is Now Google Local Services

Google Home Services has been rebranded as Google Local Services and expanded to 17 states. Google has re-branded it for a reason — they are now including businesses that do not come under the “home services” like auto repairs & dentists. They are actively expanding it to other states and adding new categories.

People have witnessed a boost of up to 70% after joining the Google Local Service program. Google has launched a dedicated app using which you can accept bookings, respond to customer questions & track conversions. It also allows you to track calls and manage ad budget.


As of now, the Google Local Services is available in the following 17 cities:

1. Phoenix
2. Los Angeles
3. Riverside
4. Sacramento
5. San Diego
6. San Francisco
7. San Jose
8. Miami
9. Atlanta
10. Chicago
11. Boston
12. Detroit
13. New York
14. Philadelphia
15. Dallas
16. Seattle
17. Washington, D.C.

To see if a business is eligible to join, go here. And to get the app, go here. Go here for Local Services Help.