Author Archives: admin

About admin

Weston Riesche is the Marketing Manager at SEO Solutions Inc. Weston is a Graduate of Roosevelt University and holds two Bachelors in Integrated Marketing Communications and Economics. He has been an integral part of the SEO Solutions management team, developing insights into the world of Search Engine Optimization. Social Media and Internet Marketing. Weston works closely with clients to engage their companies with unique, effective and exhaustive Internet Marketing campaigns that leads them to the top of the major search engines.

KEYWORD RESEARCH! Essential for Successful SEO

Keyword Research

You need to use keywords throughout your site so it gets listed in the search engine results when a consumer or business conducts a search using those words. Therefore, you need to know what words your target audience is searching for so you can use them in your content. This is called keyword research – first you brainstorm a large list of all the words and phrases related to your business (even ask your clients), then use keyword generator tools to narrow down this list. You also need to look at the competition for keywords and choose more specific words. Keyword research is essential for successful SEO!

Our Chicago SEO Services make sure to properly perform all keyword research!


SEO Solutions, a Chicago Interent Marketing Firm now offers a FREE website audit report for businesses that are looking to engage in Search Engine Optimization. A lot of great websites are constructed in such a manner that actually makes it more difficult for Search Engines to locate and retrieve information from them. SEO Solutions makes sure that your well constructed website is able to be found by Search Engines, so that your consumers can also find your website. We are the best SEO chicago company that you can do business with!

Visit our site at to request a free report! Or call us at 847-359-6969 

What Blog to Follow for Great SEO methods and facts

Picture of Matt Cutts - Google SEO expert

– Matt Cutts 

What a Great SEO Genius. If you want to get great tips on SEO methods and actual Google algorithmic facts then follow his blog and his youtube channel (or vlog if you will) closely!

It is now actually known as the Google Webmasters view channel – Enjoy!

Choose Your Keywords Wisely

Try using long tail keywords to get better SEO Results.

SEO Keywords


Long Tail keywords are 4-5 words (a phrase) and usually include a georgaphic tag.

Example: Window Replacement Company Delaware Valley

Compared to: Window Replacement Company, which other larger companies are putting many marketing dollars behind making it much more competitive and harder to stay at the top of the first page, which is where all the good results are found.

3 SEO Facts that Never Change

Just The Facts text picture

SEO is a long-term marketing endeavor that is a commitment and does not yield immediate results

However, if you do have the budget and patients to wait a few months to see results, the results are some of the highest ROI you can invest in when it comes to marketing. The leading Chicago SEO firm know that it takes a commitment from both ends and only engages with clients if they are ready to stay committed to see the ROI that they deserve.

SEO is about good, relative content that actually helps the web browser find what he or she is looking for.

The Chicago search engine marketing firm commits themselves to building relative content that we tie to your keywords and the good content on your website.

SEO is not for everyone.

Search Engine Optimization is not for all businesses. If people don’t need to come to your website in order to find your business and eventually buy something than it may do little good and actually some harm spending money to promote your site. Businesses that thrive off of referrals and already have a full customer base may find SEO to be of no use. The Internet marketing company Chicago will never try to work with companies that won’t fully reap the benefits of SEO. They only work with businesses that will truly benefit from SEO

Videos & SEO

Videos & SEO is Key

Videos that have good content and key information for potential clients have the power to capture their attention over your competitors. Pictures with relevant information or that are appropriate and appealing can also have a similar effect.

Videos can also be repurposed and posted on your Facebook page, YouTube Channel and many other video submission sites. Not only will this help with your SEO efforts, it will get your companies most important information in front of thousands of eyes.


Video and SEO






  • Site Maps – So that Google and Bing bots can easily access and scan the information on your site.
  • Easy to Navigate – Ensure the user can reach your site and information in as few clicks as possible.
  • Optimized Code – URL file names, title tags, robot.txt, meta tags


  • Keyword and Phrase Research
  • Layout and Formatting Strategy
  • Keyword inclusion

Content should cover information that is important and relavent in your industry. If your keywords aren’t present your site won’t be indexed properly. However, great keywords that lead to irrelevant content will lead to penalties for the site, dropping your rankings 🙁


  • Search engines take into account the opinion of all web users. Websites with good reputations will rank higher than a site with no reputation whatsoever. Who is linking to you is an important factor in link value. An site that is involved in the same industry linking to you will boost your sites reputation much more than a site that is irrelevant to yours.


Mobile Devices are Taking the Lead

We live in a multi-screen, constantly connected mobile world today, and marketers need to be able to easily reach people across all devices with relevant ads. Over the last 5 years, growth in search query volume from mobile phones has greatly outpaced growth in query volume from desktop computers – the number of daily searches on Google from mobile devices is expected to surpass daily desktop search volume by next year.

Mobile Advertising

How Small Businesses Find Their Way on the Internet

Small businesses don’t typically have a whole lot of money to spend on advertising. They search for ways to get their name out to the public as efficiently as possible, word of mouth is great. However, a very large amount of small businesses are starting to use the internet to promote themselves. This is because they can experience the best and most efficient results from internet marketing. Their message and advertising campaign can be customized and tailored to their specific needs in thousands of ways.

Almost all small businesses nowadays have websites. This is the window for the world to see them through; their personal viewing portal that can be accessed by anyone at any time. With a million small businesses comes a million websites, so now the key is to get your site found. Every small businesses website can bring them to greater successes in their business.

  • Creating a sound SEO (Search Engine Optimization) program is one option to choose from when advertising on the internet. It is one of the best marketing methods and produces one of the highest ROI’s.
  • Choosing to use a CPC (Cost Per Click) campaign can be effective for specific products during the holiday season!
  • Another good way to add to your websites traffic is to keep a steady stream of information flowing through the site.  Blogging with good relative content can be an extremely effective way of keeping your consumer interested. If they have visited your site they are clearly interested in your service or product and may want to stay informed.
  • Social media is another good way for consumers to follow your company which allows you to provide good material on your product or service for the consumer to digest in their own life on their own time.

With an ever-growing Internet population keeping a strong presence on the internet for your small business is critical in the growth process. A good website with streaming content that can be found by those who need it will thrive on the internet. This type of website will allow for a company to grow beyond its current potential and reach new heights in sales.

If you’re small business is looking for an SEO consultant, We are a Chicago SEO company that specializes in Search Engine Marketing and other Internet marketing techniques.